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Advances in the use of biologic agents for the treatment of systemic vasculitis

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Advances in the use of biologic agents for the treatment of systemic vasculitis

[Vasculitis syndromes: Edited by Phil Seo]

Chung, Sharon A; Seo, Philip.

Purpose of review: Due to the well known toxicities of cyclophosphamide, substantial interest exists in finding other therapies to treat primary systemic vasculitis. Biologic agents have been proposed as an alternative to cyclophosphamide for these disorders because of their recent success in treating other rheumatic diseases. This article reviews the current state-of-the-art therapy with regards to the use of biologic agents as treatments for systemic vasculitis.

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2016-07-13T16:25:33+01:00 2009-11-2|Categories: Arquivo|