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Health Reform on the Campaign Trail: The Policy & Practice Podcast

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Health Reform on the Campaign Trail: The Policy & Practice Podcast

Medicare and Medicaid have been the talk of the nation since Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney named Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wisc.) as his running mate. Rep. Ryan became a key leader of the Republican party when he proposed his Path to Prosperity, a GOP-supported budget plan. His plan also provided alternative reforms to those in the Affordable Care Act. For example, the plan includes turning Medicaid over to the states and converting Medicare into a premium support plan. But most of the nation doesn’t seem to agree, according to a recent poll by the Washington Post and the Kaiser Family Foundation. The poll found that only 36% of registered voters think Medicare should be a voucher system.

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2016-10-16T12:02:12+01:00 2014-12-1|Categories: Divulgação|