Núcleo de Estudos de Doenças Auto-imunes

Sociedade Portuguesa de Medicina Interna
T: (+351) 217 520 570 / Email: info@nedai.org

Próximos Eventos


LUPUS 2017 ACA 2017

2016-10-19T11:22:05+01:00 2017-3-26|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

The 12th International Congresss on Systemic Lupus Erithematosus (LUPUS 2017) & the 7th Asian Congress on Autoimmunity (ACA 2017) is a truly multidisciplinary, inspiring, international joint-gathering of world leaders that will showcase the very best clinical, biological, and translational advances in SLE and autoimmunity. This Congress will include an exceptional program focusing on the nexus between [...]


2016-10-16T12:02:11+01:00 2016-7-6|Categories: Informação ao Doente|Tags: , |

O QUE É O LÚPUS? É uma doença auto-imune, em que o sistema imune ou imunológico – o sistema constituído pelas células, como os linfócitos e mediadores como os anticorpos -, que normalmente protege o nosso corpo, se vira contra si próprio e o ataca, provocando inflamação e alteração da função do órgão afectado. A inflamação pode provocar dor, calor, vermelhidão [...]

Autoantibody profiling to follow evolution of lupus syndromes

2016-10-16T12:02:13+01:00 2012-12-1|Categories: Divulgação|Tags: , , |

Introduction: Identification of patients who are in early stages of lupus is currently done through clinical evaluation and is not greatly facilitated by available diagnostic tests. Profiling for patient characteristics and antibody specificities that predict disease would enhance the ability of physicians to identify and treat early cases prior to onset of organ damaging illness. Methods: A group [...]

HLA in Portuguese Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Patients and Their Relation to Clinical Features

2016-07-13T12:53:21+01:00 2009-5-14|Categories: Lúpus Sistémico Eritematoso|Tags: , , , , |

Carlos Vasconcelos, Claudia Carvalho, Barbara Leal, Clara Pereira, Andreia Bettencourt, Paulo P. Costa, Antonio Marinho, Paulo Barbosa, Isabel Almeida, Fatima Farinha, Teresa Mendonça, Joao Araujo Correia, Denisa Mendonça and Berta Martins Systemic lupus errythematosus (SLE) is a clinically heterogeneous disease translating the different genetic and environmental factors involved. Polymorphisms at several loci, including the Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC), have been associated worldwide with SLE, although inconsistencies exist among these [...]