Núcleo de Estudos de Doenças Auto-imunes

Sociedade Portuguesa de Medicina Interna
T: (+351) 217 520 570 / Email: info@nedai.org



A comparative proteomic study of sera in paediatric systemic lupus erythematosus patients and in healthy controls using MALDI-TOF-TOF and LC MS-A pilot study

2016-10-16T12:02:13+01:00 2012-12-1|Categories: Divulgação|Tags: , |

Background Paediatric systemic lupus erythematosus (pSLE) exhibits an aggressive clinical phenotype with severe complications and overall poor prognosis. The aim of this study was to analyse differential expression of low molecular weight (LMW) serum protein molecules of pSLE patients with active disease in comparison to sera of healthy age matched controls. Further, some of the differential expressed spots were characterised [...]