Núcleo de Estudos de Doenças Auto-imunes

Sociedade Portuguesa de Medicina Interna
T: (+351) 217 520 570 / Email: info@nedai.org



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So far marco.marques has created 232 blog entries.

Regulamento Bolsa de Estudo em Autoimunidade NEDAI 2015

2016-07-08T10:02:04+01:00 2015-4-3|Categories: Bolsa de Estudo em Autoimunidade NEDAI|Tags: |

Regulamento Bolsa de Estudo em Autoimunidade NEDAI 2015 A Bolsa de Estudos em Autoimunidade NEDAI foi criada em 2009 e é uma iniciativa do núcleo de Estudos de Doenças Auto-imunes da Sociedade Portuguesa de Medicina Interna. Esta bolsa pretende promover o conhecimento e a formação na área da Autoimunidade, permitindo a investigadores de ciência básica, médicos [...]

Regulamento Prémio NEDAI Investigação em Autoimunidade 2015

2016-07-08T10:02:00+01:00 2015-3-4|Categories: Prémio NEDAI de investigação em Autoimunidade NEDAI|Tags: |

Regulamento Prémio NEDAI Investigação em Autoimunidade 2015 O Núcleo de Estudos de Doenças Autoimunes (NEDAI) da Sociedade Portuguesa de Medicina Interna (SPMI) instituiu, a partir de 2005, o Prémio de Investigação em Autoimunidade NEDAI. O Prémio tem o valor anual de 10.000 Euros, valor patrocinado pelo NEDAI. Em 2015 a atribuição deste Prémio tem como finalidade premiar trabalhos de investigação básica e [...]

American College of Rheumatology recommendations for the treatment of RA: an issue of choices

2016-07-13T15:20:36+01:00 2014-12-19|Categories: Recomendações|

Robert BM Landewé Abstract On behalf of the American College of Rheumatology (ACR), Saaget al. recently published recommendations for the use of nonbiologic and biologic DMARDs in rheumatoid arthritis (RA).1 A group of experts was charged with the enormous task of bringing evidence-based clarity to the multitude of treatment options for RA and providing guidance to practicing [...]

Health Reform on the Campaign Trail: The Policy & Practice Podcast

2016-10-16T12:02:12+01:00 2014-12-1|Categories: Divulgação|

Medicare and Medicaid have been the talk of the nation since Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney named Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wisc.) as his running mate. Rep. Ryan became a key leader of the Republican party when he proposed his Path to Prosperity, a GOP-supported budget plan. His plan also provided alternative reforms to those in the Affordable Care Act. For example, the plan includes turning [...]

Etanercept for patients with RA: more is not always better

2016-07-13T08:32:45+01:00 2014-12-1|Categories: Artrite Reumatóide, Uncategorized|

Joel M Kremer Abstract Weinblatt and colleagues have studied the efficacy and safety of etanercept 50 mg twice weekly in comparison with etanercept 50 mg once weekly in patients with longstanding rheumatoid arthritis. The study failed to demonstrate any clinically meaningful or statistically significant benefit of the use of the twice weekly dosage. There was also [...]

Deficient spontaneous in vitro apoptosis and increased tmTNF reverse signaling-induced apoptosis of monocytes predict suboptimal therapeutic response of rheumatoid arthritis to TNF inhibition

2016-07-13T08:34:25+01:00 2014-1-20|Categories: Artrite Reumatóide|

Abstract Introduction: In vitro apoptosis of peripheral monocytes in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is disturbed and influenced by cytokine production and transmembrane TNF (tmTNF) reverse signaling. The goal of the study was the analysis of the predictive value of the rate of in vitro apoptosis for the therapeutic response to anti-TNF treatment. Methods: Spontaneous and tmTNF reverse signaling-induced apoptosis [...]

Towards the elucidation of the true impact of adipocytokines on cardiovascular risk in rheumatoid arthritis

2016-10-16T12:02:12+01:00 2014-1-20|Categories: Artrite Reumatóide|

Abstract Adipo(cyto)kines are mostly produced by adipose tissue and orchestrate the adverse impact of excess adiposity on cardiovascular risk. Adipokines also contribute importantly to the pathophysiology of rheumatoid arthritis. Congruent with data reported in previous investigations, Kang and colleagues report in this issue of Arthritis Research & Therapy that adipokine concentrations are further associated with metabolic risk and [...]

Regulamento Bolsa de Estudo em Autoimunidade NEDAI 2014

2016-07-08T10:01:55+01:00 2014-1-1|Categories: Bolsa de Estudo em Autoimunidade NEDAI|Tags: |

REGULAMENTO BOLSA DE ESTUDO EM AUTOIMUNIDADE NEDAI 2014 A Bolsa de Estudos em Autoimunidade NEDAI foi criada em 2009 e é uma iniciativa do núcleo de Estudos de Doenças Auto-imunes da Sociedade Portuguesa de Medicina Interna. Esta bolsa pretende promover o conhecimento e a formação na área da Autoimunidade, permitindo a investigadores de ciência básica, médicos ou [...]

Psoriatic arthritis: recent progress in pathophysiology and drug development

2016-10-16T12:02:12+01:00 2013-12-18|Categories: Artrite Psoriática|

Douglas James Veale Abstract Psoriatic arthritis (PsA) is the second most common inflammatory arthropathy, after rheumatoid arthritis diagnosis, in early arthritis clinics. Most patients have established psoriasis, often for years, prior to the onset of joint pain and swelling; in addition, associated features of nail disease, dactylitis, enthesitis, spondylitis or uveitis may be present. Psoriasis may [...]